Robert Downey, Jr. Joins Captain America 3

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Wow, what a shocking turn of events, and not one that many may have seen coming. But in a bold move, Marvel Studios has renegotiated with Robert Downey, Jr. to play in the Marvel Cinematic Universe a little bit longer, as he has just signed on to co-star in Captain America 3 with Chris Evans, who will once again reprise his role as Steve Rogers. Variety broke the news. It appears that the film, which will most likely be titled Captain America: Civil War, will be an adaptation of the popular crossover event series Marvel Comics published a few years ago.

This news is really surprising, but not completely unexpected at the same time. Downey, Jr. has been teasing his return in the MCU for more than just his time in The Avengers: Age of Ultron, and The Avengers 3, his last contracted films with the studio. While many thought he may be teaming up for returning for Iron Man 4, or even an off chance Guardians of the Galaxy 2, but not many expected he’d be returning in Captain America 3. This definitely makes sense though, as the threads for Civil War had already been quietly placed in the first Avengers film, as well as in Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

Tony Stark

Now, the real question is, where does this take the Marvel Cinematic Universe from here, and how many more films has Downey, Jr. now signed to star in? Because if the rumors are true, we may not be reaching a huge showdown with Thanos until The Avengers 4, and all heroes will be needed at that point. This is certainly very exciting news, especially for fans of the comics and filmgoers alike, and I can’t wait to see just how much of an impact that this film, and the colossal Civil War will have ramifications on the ever growing MCU.

Captain America 3 is scheduled to open on May 6, 2016.

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