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Pirates of the Caribbean is sailing towards a new horizon, reopening after a series of ride changing updates and alterations to the attraction’s overall story. Crowds were out in full force to experience the new ride, immediately filling up the extended queues and waiting eagerly to get a first look.
The updates focus on the infamous bride auction scene. Part of the original version of the attraction, it has had a controversial history and has been up for debate since Disney announced the changes would be made. Though the auction was a crowd favorite, Disney’s decision to change the original concept may not be as terrible as some see it to be.

The new scene holds up to the original concept, and does not detract from the overall Pirates story. Redd takes center stage in very memorable fashion, and from the towering crowds, it is safe to say that she will be a hit with many Disney fans. Make sure to keep an eye out, as there will be other surprises in store for guests. A nice tribute to the original version of the attraction is made, which you can see in the ride through video above.
To commemorate the occasion, new collectible cards were handed out. Featuring Redd, the cards have a special pirate-themed name key that allow you to discover your own personal pirate persona. It’s a great little piece of Disneyana, very similar to the famous decoder cards handed out during the grand opening of Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye.

Despite the fun though, there was a storm brewing later that morning. Less than two hours into operation, Pirates shut down due to technical issues. Guests were marooned and stranded for a few hours, waiting to find out if they would have their chance to experience the ride. Even with the ride closure, people’s spirits remained high, focusing on the excitement rather than the wait. Besides, Pirates wasn’t the only new thing in store for everyone.

In spirit of the new scene, Redd herself has come ashore to greet and mingle with everyone in New Orleans Square. Her debut was a huge success, met with droves of fans, full fledged camera crews, and the smallest of pirates waiting to catch a quick moment with her. Fans who have yet to find themselves in her territory have a lot to look forward to. Redd fits right in with everyone on the square and has a level of charm that rivals that of Jack Sparrow himself. Though it is not known if she will stay in port for a limited time or if she will stay, we recommend venturing out to spend a moment or two with her. It may just be the highlight of your journey.

More updates are coming to the area, as Pirates will also be receiving a FastPass upgrade. Regular FastPass and MaxPass will be in place, though it has not been confirmed when the new setup will go live. The attraction has a new entrance, with scanning machines and a visible wait time indicator. Keep an eye out on your Disneyland App for changes, as the new system may go up at anytime.

Pirates of the Caribbean is now open to all who seek adventure and dare to set sail towards the new horizon.