Six Flags Fright Fest 2018 Mazes Review

Keep away from contamination so as not to mutate yourself

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The time has come once again my fellow fiends for Fright Fest to wreck havoc in Six Flags Magic Mountain.  We share the highs and lows of this annual Halloween event.  Let’s get on with the scares!

New this season is Sewer of Souls

The first and favorite among the six scare mazes this season is Fright Fest’s newest offering called “Sewer of Souls”.  It’s one of the more colorful and technical mazes the park has ever designed in comparison to their past line up.  This is also the only maze we came across that has a hidden bonus room for VIP patrons to take advantage of a very unique photo opportunity.  The employees hand out 3D glasses for the painted blacklight.  It doesn’t seem to enhance the experience at all and is not required.

Some things should be left behind
Enter at your own risk

You navigate through the trenches of an underground sewer encountering lost dwellers.  Careful not to come in contact with radioactive ooze.

Keep away from contamination so as not to mutate yourself
Navigate thru a tunnel
Mind your step of creepy crawlies

At one point you’re teetering over a bridge and then trying to avoid steeping on slithering snakes.

Do you see what I see?

A graffiti laid lair leads to the surface.

To grandmother’s house we go

Returning for another round of bloodlust is “Red’s Revenge”.  Go over the hill and through the woods as Red Riding Hood seeks revenge on that mean ole wolf for eating her grandmother.

Stay on the trail
The woods comes to life
Caught in a sticky situation

Surprises lurk everywhere.  Even in the supposed safe haven of grandmother’s house.

The spirit of Red Riding Hood greets you

“Condemned – Forever Damned” is also a new maze this year.

Another new maze for this year

The set design, visual scares, and lighting really makes this one of the highlights of the evening.  Find out for yourself the many possibilities why this humble home may not be in live-able conditions.

Setting an extra plate for dinner guests
No time to rest your head on this bed
That’ll clean right off in no time

The walls call out to you.  But don’t let their outreached hand fool you.

Reaching out to your soul
The yard is a bit untidy
Good thing we have clean sheets

The evil spirits call “Willoughby’s Haunted Mansion” home away from home.  The Victorian style art design brings a sense of time and place.  Although this is a returning favorite, the lights have been too dim to appreciate the details that have been poured into the design until the very end.  It may be time for this maze to find a permanent resting place.

A classic stable returns
Anyone in the basement?
Perhaps best leave that question answered…

“Aftermath 2: Chaos Rising” is also an aging maze that could use a re-imagining.  The open expanse of the set design is impressive.  But lacks a resounding punch.  The talent was here, but the energy was no where to be found as guests walk calmly by.

The city of Ash Valley awaits
Located by the wooden roller coaster Apocalypse

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Source of the virus?

The one maze with a movie-tie to an upcoming release was “Hell Fest”.  A lot of horror movie fans may be disappointed by this effort.  Many will walk out not knowing how this maze fits with the movie and may be uninspired to watch what was being promoted.  Each scene seems to have little to no connection with the other.  You don’t learn much about how the maze fits with the movie.  And frankly, that fact probably shows as well with the talent inside with no direction how to go about their scares.  Guests will get a discount offer on movie tickets and a free green screen photo op at the exit.  This is by far the most disappointing offering of the evening.

New maze with movie tie-in
Tickets, please
You light up my life
Tied up in knots
A candlelight murder

Six Flags Fright Fest is definitely making an effort in their maze designs to compete with other competitors.  They just need to start focusing on lighting, sound design, and scare talent.  Either the hiring process could use a change or focus on training monsters how to scare the guests for optimal effect.

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