Spectacular Spider-Man: The Complete First Season

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At long last! Sony Pictures Television has delivered a series that truly lives up to it’s name. Spectacular Spider-man is a truly unique look at Peter Parker’s early years, from high school teenager to arachnid-skilled vigilante. This season showcases classic stories pulled from every adaptation of Spider-man, borrowing heavily from the original Stan Lee/Steve Ditko comic run and even the more recent Sam Raimi film series.

Of the season’s thirteen episodes, (all included in this collection) Editorial highlights include: Ep. 7 Catalysts (In which the Green Goblin makes his chaotic debut) Ep. 10 Persona (Perhaps the most plot-heavy episode to date, featuring Chameleon, Black Cat, and a certain alien-symboite…) and my personal favorite Ep. 11 Group Therapy (Which includes the epic formation of the Sinister Six and an all out Spider-war)

The overall flow of the series is well-thought out and seemless, from the carefully crafted story-boards to the impressive visuals by lead designer Sean Galloway. The writing crew also infuses a rather interesting notion of the Villians often being introduced several episodes before they even assume their well-known Super-status.

Overall, The first season leaves little to ask for. Chock-full of heroic musical underscoring, gorgeous character design and down-right enjoyable stories make this a recommended pick for Spiderfans every where. (From first time viewers to long time readers, this series guarantees some major entertainment for everyone.)

Special Features included:

Spider-Man Re-Animated: A short and sweet look at why/and how Spectacular Spiderman became just so dang-Spectacular
Stylizing Spidey: dive in to a closer examination of the animation techniques and styles used in this gorgeous series

Special Features excluded:

No Subtitles: Sorry folks…the Spectacular Spider-man is not going to be helping with those spanish lessons this time around.

In Closing, this DVD’s widescreen presentation is crisp and matches the show’s own “mainstream/modern” aesthetic theme. Thus for an impressive and full-collection, tell-all features, and an all around rock-solid series; Spectacular Spiderman receives a spider-sense tingling 4 out of 5.

(Author’s Advisory: The Spectacular Spider-man is filled with so much web-headed’ goodness, it’s almost TOO much for one sitting...Not to mention without proper precaution the show’s solid theme song will stick in your head forevermore)

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