Blu Ray Review: You Again

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If you attended High School any time in the last 50ish years since the birth of the American teenager then you know what cliques, outcasts, and popularity are. Somewhere between playing tag on the playground in grammar school to about 7th grade we hit a wall and the line gets drawn in the sand between the “winners” and the “losers”. But what happens after? What happens when High School is over and you realize that all that baloney wasn’t worth any of it and then what happens; say, 8 years down the line? What if you go from ugly duckling to swan? You, the “loser”, have now blossomed into a beautiful and successful woman with everything you might want leaving most of those bad days behind, but suddenly life gives you a curve ball and you end up face to face with your arch nemesis and even worst what if she’s about to become your sister in law!!

I’ll tell you what happens… calamity, hilarious, brilliant calamity. Touchstone Pictures and Oops Doughnuts Productions gives to home audience’s everywhere, “You Again” (2010) staring Kristin Bell (Veronica Mars, Forgetting Sara Marshall) as Marni, the nerdy outcast  turned gorgeous PR executive, Odette Yustman (Cloverfield, Unborn) as Joanna or JJ the snobby popular head cheerleader turned do gooder nurse and fiancée of Marni’s older brother Will, Sigourney Weaver (Alien, Heartbreakers) as Joanna’s wealthy aunt Mona who happens to also be Gail’s frienemy from High School , Jamie Lee Curtis

(Christmas with the Cranks, Halloween films) as one time golden girl Gail and Marni’s mom, and the hilarious antics of Betty White (The Proposal, The Golden Girls) as Marni’s Grandmother, create a group of women about to be thrown together by the sudden marriage of Will Marnie’s older brother.

This movie offers a plethora of laughter and heartwarming moments, and the DVD offers so many hilarious extras and deleted scenes that beyond the hilarity of the film it gives you so many extra moments of laughter the DVD is totally worth having. You can see that the entire cast enjoyed making this film and you get to see it with brilliant clarity and sound. As an added bonus to those of us who don’t particularly like being bombarded by previews the Blue Ray offers a quick key to speed thru all the previews of which there are several.

I think the only thing I’d give the Blue Ray a negative on is the basic looking menus. It looks like it got put together very quickly and not to impressive. However it’s such a small thing that it’s easily dismissed.

Go out and purchase this delightful Blue Ray which will give you many nights of delightful fun and enjoy “You Again”.

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